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Women in Criminal Law-nch!

WICL Second Birthday Birthday (Hold on!)
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Women in Criminal Law officially celebrated its launch on Thursday 1st March 2018! 


Thank you so much to all those who braved the elements to attend the Women in Criminal Law launch event last week. Despite the snow, The Law Society was packed full of fantastic women buzzing with excitement - 'snow' stopping us gals! 


Guests included judges, legal advisers, barristers, solicitors, clerks, paralegals and chartered legal executives - successfully marking the cross-profession audience WICL aims to bring together. We were so proud to see women from a broad spectrum of the profession meeting and greeting each other with such joy and enthusiasm - particularly as this is just the beginning of the WICL journey!


Speakers Katy Thorne QC (WICL founder), the Rt Hon Lady Justice Heather Hallett (WICL patron), Alison Saunders (DPP), Angela Rafferty QC (chair of the Criminal Bar Association) and Christina Blacklaws (Vice President of The Law Society) inspired the room with anecdotal stories, empowering statistics and their commitment to support women growing in their careers and reaching the top. 

We hope that the evening has inspired you to join WICL and become a part of our mission to celebrate the contribution women bring to the criminal justice system and to strive for equal opportunities - now. In the words of our founder, Katy Thorne QC: "behind every successful woman, is a whole load of other successful women!".

We can't wait to see you at the next WICL event! 

"Can’t finish the day without congratulating you upon a stellar launch" - launch event guest. 

Mentoring Scheme

WICL sets out to support and inspire, mentor and socialise, empower and encourage. On Thursday, we proudly announced the launch of our mentoring scheme. 

There has already been a brilliant response, with many women signing up to be both mentors and mentees. WICL has also been approached by a number of senior figures within criminal law wishing to provide mentoring support to WICL members - particularly those of 10 years' call/PQE and beyond.


If you have registered your interest for our mentoring scheme, we will be in touch with you soon. If you haven't signed up yet and would be keen to take part, see our Events page for more information.

"I have never been to a legal event that was so empowering and full of hope with such a welcoming and friendly atmosphere - it felt strikingly different from so many other events I have attended"
- launch event guest. 

WICL were featured in The Times ahead of the launch evening this week.
Read the article here

"Last night was a triumph and a major step forward for all of us" - launch event guest.

"Well done for a fantastic launch last night… there was palpable joy in the room" - launch event guest.

Thank you so much to our generous founding sponsors who enabled us to put on our launch event and to The Law Society for allowing us the use of the venue.


If your organisation is able to sponsor WICL, or perhaps fund
a WICL event in the future, please do get in touch.
We would be thrilled for your support!


You can get in touch with our sponsorship team here.

"I am so proud to have seen this tonight" - launch event guest.

We have received so many warm wishes, emails and tweets about the
success of our launch  - thank you for your support!

"It really was inspiring and very well organised.  The speeches were uplifting and everyone enjoyed themselves. 
Thank you very much indeed for all your work to make it such an extraordinary event" -
launch event guest. 
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